
lol sorry the header image moves with the scroller ignore it.. woah a page without harry?? meet my yume nikki ocs.



Godd I had a long dream and I can't remember much... i was on some kind of game in the forest i had this one partner I had to work with who I didn't know too well, some guy. basically we had like monster fighting tasks alongside like hunting gathering stuff. Then it kept switching between me also trying to get to the end of this made up animal jam minigame where you unlocked different rooms when fighting phantoms, i was playing with some old buddies who were wearing those like bright green items?? with the arm cuffs and raccoon tails whatever. i kept having to leave and everytime you died in the game you had to restart so we were like putting a real effort into it. then in the real world not real world game i was in we were near the end and had to put poles with different numbers on flags onto shopping carts, it was just me. went in the grocery store and it was normal shopping was thinking about chow mein noodles and saw a grandparent there. i was kinda leaping through the isles. basically uhmm oh yeah the animal jam game ended with everyone wearing the ancient dragon set sitting in a circle in that ice lake in the goddman ice area i forgot the name of ohh mt. shiveer. komoso was there btw hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii...... I wasn't wearing the set however. Soemone in the real world asked me bout the partner I was playing the hunting gathering game with and i was like lol no idea don't know the guy. and they were like wow.. very helpful. so then I was in the REAL REAL world, was like walkin round a made up town tryinig to stall before I had to be somewhere like a meeting idk but I stumbled accross like some little booth stores and resturaunts and yeah i dont remember the rest


Was in a really narrow giftshop of perhaps a museum of some sort, it had wooden flooring and the lights were off but the sunlight filtered in nicely. Then I walked out and was immediately on the beach at sunset with TONS of seaweed everwhere. i think komoso was there too btw


I was on some gordon ramsey typa stuff basically. i was in this empty room of cabinets and decided to like put pistachios into a blender as a brilliant plan

1/24 DREAM

I was at a discount food store but they had gained this shipment of rubber 3d anime keychains for some reason. Thought I saw something with the witch's house girl and tried to find something but never found what I thought I saw. then i was in some kinda place and was with my buddy, we heard there was some kind of music preformance going on. didn't know who but then they were like yea I just bought tickets anyway so then we talked to the guy preforming had big blonde labyrinth type of hair he got so maddd couldnt stop ranting and i remember seeing like a drawn diagram of how his facial expression changed drawn in pen. it was in a tiny theatre with no people also then idk if this was the same dream or not but I was all wathcing a movie had a trio of characters from different things but sadly can only remmeber mr stephen being there. I remember he was like laying in a hospital bed and I was texting KOMOSO voicing my dissappointment at the fact that the charatcer i liked did not show up much not even in the credits with the side characters and uhh yeah i wish I could remember the other characters.

1/23 DREAM

Was going on some kind of hike maybe for a family members birthday idk frankly but it was a darker woodland forest trail I eventually went to some house and I eneded up being first back from the trail which was embarassing cause I didn't know the people in the house too well but they had a dog so i was like yeah well you have a nice dog (big retriever) and walked over it. then i was in some kind of classroom looking setup but big room people were just walking to different tables and writing or drawing things on other people's papers. came accross one with a pic of mr ashe on it and wrote Ashe!!! in red marker.


1/20 DREAM

I had a long dream and completely forgot like all of it. All I can recall is a cutscene with jiynt and f sharp in a parking lot f sharp had a sporty contemporary honda with a HUGE honda h on it hot pink. She was mentioning how the radio station was all ready for him and he was like oh ok.. it was kind of hazy set on a hill. I guess it was a radio station they worked at?

1/18 DREAM

I was in new york AGAIN. This time in the parking lot (like the row ones against a sidewalk) for a hotel. Real tall one but there was this guy walkin down the sidewalk with a six pack of mini dr peppers or coke maybe dr pepper and was like looking at us. I was kinda nervous and I frankly can't remember much else

1/14 DREAM

Was having a family get together one person came in adn was like yeah so the old grey cat he all took the car was driving and whatever was kind of impressive but it got him in some danger. I think i thought the rest of the family would be mad cause of that but they were more interested in the story. Then KOMODO uhh i fgroet.. komodo was there at some point. again. hi

1/13 DREAM

All I remember was komoso showing me a paper and sharpie drawing of two koomodos still cartoonlike but built like the animal not a furry. Had huge sweeteyes and a gleeful grin..

1/12 DREAM

I swear I was in a place like New Yawk City but it was really empty on the streets. I was at a giftshop, real crowded in with products bookstore kind of thing. I saw some kind of novelty coffee mug and got it and ughh it was like just under fifty dollars. I went to someone idk and was like yeah so I thought I'd spend my christmas money on something so I got this. and as I mentioned that I really regretted spending that much on a mug. Thennn I was all driving thru the hills thru the farms and like some restraunt?

1/11 DREAM

OOkay I was like walking this scenic walk all new years resolution style but god it was on the tallest mountain with those classic old wooden plank link bridges to get accross the ravines. There were a few other people there but there were also some stops with vending machines that had novelty candies in them. Got some of the candies. Then I got a call that I had like a great great great grandma that had passed away but I went home(a completely made up house) and saw the grandma faring really normally and all talked to her and stuff. I remember a fake plant on the dining room table. Then I remember a cutscene completely off topic with email and old f sharp sitting in like a car not driving or nothin but email was thinking thoughts and whatever. the endd

~1/7 DREAM

I was at like a zoo with a big lake and some trees and elevated walking areas with pebbles, I really can't remember much else than the fact that my old and present cats both met eachother at some point.

~1/3 DREAM

I was hanging out with KOMOSO and decided to go check on Jo ann's fabric for a second. They had a bunch of lined up foam masks in the pattern section, like dollar tree dinosoar masks but they were all fnaf. Very handmade and whatnot, was trying to decide between foxy and the aligator.. I think I ended up choosing one vaguely resemblant of freddy fazbear and went back to give it to komoso which they were now living in a dark& dusty garage.